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A student studying from a textbook
Education System
Educational System
  1. Public Schools
  2. Private Schools
  3. Distance Learning
  4. Home Schooling
  5. Special Education
  6. Preschool and Head Start
  7. Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)
  8. Tracking
  9. Semester and Quarter System
  10. Busing
  11. Different Kinds of Public Schools
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Different Kinds of Public Schools
There are many different kinds of public schools in the United States. Public schools are tax-supported. Magnet schools are special public schools that offer theme-based curriculum to attract students with special interests. A magnet school might focus, for example, on the arts, or on global or international education, or on business or law. There are magnet elementary, middle, and high schools in many districts throughout the United States. Charter schools are also public schools for students in kindergarten through 12th grade. Charter schools are not required to obey all the rules and regulations that apply to most public schools. But in return, charter schools are held accountable for their students’ progress. Some charter schools are language immersion schools, where students learn a language by being “immersed” in it all day; others may stress cultural learning, or on-line learning, or rigorous college preparation courses. Vocational high schools, sometimes called career and technical training schools, are public high schools that teach students a skill or a trade, such as automotive repair, health care, culinary or cooking skills, or television production. Students earn a high school diploma as well as job skills that allow them to enter the labor market after graduation.
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