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Education System
Educational System
  1. Public Schools
  2. Private Schools
  3. Distance Learning
  4. Home Schooling
  5. Special Education
  6. Preschool and Head Start
  7. Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)
  8. Tracking
  9. Semester and Quarter System
  10. Busing
  11. Different Kinds of Public Schools
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Slavery was outlawed in the United States in 1865. However, segregation, the separation of people by race continued long after slavery was outlawed. There were separate public facilities, such as hotels, bathrooms, swimming pools, drinking fountains, waiting rooms, and public schools for blacks and whites, especially in southern states. In 1954, the United State Supreme Court ruled that so-called “separate but equal” schools were not constitutional. It said that students could not be segregated by race in public schools. Desegregation, however, came very slowly, because some white parents did not want their children to attend school with black students. So, beginning in the 1970s, the courts ordered specific school districts to desegregate by “busing.” Some white students were bused to all-black schools and some black students were bused to all-white schools to integrate them. Again, many parents objected. Some started their own schools or enrolled their children in private schools. Still others moved into communities with few black residents; this was called “white flight.” Black and white parents alike frequently objected to having their children bused for long distances out of their own neighborhoods to achieve racial integration. Today, most court-ordered busing has come to an end in the United States.
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